What Are The Different Forms Of Personal Injury Cases?

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What Are The Different Forms Of Personal Injury Cases?

After sustaining an injury from someone else’s wrongdoing, you may not know where to turn or what to do. Fortunately, our team at Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver, P.C. is here to help. Our dedicated personal injury attorneys will work for you and help you achieve the financial compensation you deserve so you can move forward. Continue reading to discover more about the different forms of personal injury cases and how we can help. 

What Is A Personal Injury Case?

Personal injury is a pervasive area of law that lets injured individuals seek compensation in case of harm caused by another person or entity’s negligence. When an injury causes physical, mental, or emotional damage to you or a loved one, you can file a personal injury suit against the entity that caused your injury. These injuries can result from negligence, intentional misconduct, or intentional misconduct. The damages you can recover in a personal injury case include:

  • Medical Bills
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Diminished Quality of Life
  • Loss of Earning Capacity

What Are The Different Personal Injury Cases?

While numerous circumstances can lead to a personal injury, the most common cases include:

Medical Malpractice

Medical practitioners must care for you as a patient. Medical malpractice cases deal with life-altering injuries caused by negligent behavior from medical professionals. A malpractice claim can arise when a healthcare professional provides a treatment that fails to uphold the appropriate medical standard of care. However, it’s critical to note that getting a bad result in the treatment setting does not constitute malpractice. Here are some of the most prevalent forms of medical malpractice:

  • Misdiagnosis
  • Surgical Errors
  • Childbirth Injuries
  • Medication Errors
  • Delayed Diagnosis
  • Failure to Treat

If you feel that you have fallen victim to malpractice, our team at Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver, P.C. can help! We will fight diligently to help you gain the compensation you deserve. 

Car Accidents

Suffering an injury in a car accident can be a life-changing experience. You’ll likely need time to heal from your injuries, which can result in you missing work and prevent you from carrying out necessary daily functions. To make matters worse, the medical bills can become astronomical, and insurance companies may not pay enough to cover the costs. If another driver’s negligence caused an accident and the resulting injury, you deserve compensation for your pain, suffering, and mounting expenses. Our experienced personal injury attorneys are experienced in negotiating your claim, finding evidence, and leveraging relationships to yield the best possible result for your case. 

Construction Accidents

A construction site can be full of potential hazards, and too often, employers are negligent when it comes to the safety of their construction workers. Failure to uphold proper safety measures can lead to horrific injuries that can damage your ability to earn a living, or worse. Some of the most prevalent construction accidents that may lead you to file a claim include:

  • Falls from height. 
  • Fires.
  • Explosions. 
  • Stress or overuse injuries. 
  • Slip and fall accidents. 
  • Forklift accidents. 
  • Electrocution.
  • Crushing accidents. 

The impact of a devastating construction accident can leave you and your loved ones reeling. From lost work to costly medical expenses, these injuries can be both physically and emotionally debilitating. Our team is determined to help you through this complicated situation. 

Contact Us

Aside from the physical and emotional trauma sustained in the event, personal injury cases can be draining. Working with our team at Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver, P.C. will allow you to focus on your recovery rather than bills, medical treatment, and other factors that may be racing through your mind. Our team operates under several different practice areas and will fight tirelessly for your case. Be sure to contact our dedicated personal injury attorneys today to schedule a consultation. 

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