How Do I Know If I Have A Strong Personal Injury Case?

personal injury lawyer in Suffolk County

How Do I Know If I Have A Strong Personal Injury Case?

At Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver P.C., we offer legal representation for a wide variety of cases. One area that we are incredibly well-versed in is personal injury cases. If you’re interested in filing a personal injury claim, we recommend scheduling a consultation with our personal injury lawyer. From there, we can help you determine if you have a strong case and will help you achieve your desired outcome. 

How Do I Know If I Have A Strong Personal Injury Case?

Being involved in an accident can be a traumatic event. If you are injured, you can potentially be put out of work, have medical bills, or even property damage. You may find yourself with many questions about what you can do after to recover from this. Personal injury lawsuits are prevalent legal disputes. Personal injury is the phrase used to describe both a physical or emotional injury caused by another person’s actions. Some of the most common personal injury cases include:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents
  • Slips and Falls
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Defective Products
  • Wrongful Death

Building a strong case to prove negligence can be challenging to do on your own, so seeking the help of one of our attorneys is critical. You can do a lot to strengthen your case and assist your attorney in building a strong case so that you get the full compensation you deserve. A strong personal injury case is one that contains liability, damages, and collectability. If your claim is missing any of these three items, you may not yield favorable results. During the trial, our experienced personal injury lawyer will have to prove all three of these elements: 

Liability – Liability is an action committed by a defendant that the law recognizes as wrong. Some examples of liability in the case of personal injury can include selling or manufacturing a defective product. Liability is the first part of a personal injury case, and can be one of the most difficult to prove in court. 

Damages – Damages are the second item needed for a good personal injury lawsuit. If there are no damages present in your case, then it will not hold up in court. The following items are commonly recognized as personal injury damages:

  • Physical or Emotional Pain
  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages 
  • Disfigurement
  • Physical Impairment
  • Wrongful Death Damages
  • Punitive Damages
  • Costs of Court

It is critical to note that not all of these damages are present in every personal injury case, and these damages might not recognize all of these damages. 

Collectability – The final item needed for a personal injury case is collectability. This is when the defendant in a case must make good on their judgment. A judgment is a paper that the plaintiff will be awarded that says that someone owes them money for the injuries they experienced due to the accident. Sometimes, the plaintiff will be unable to collect on their judgment because the defendant does not have insurance that covers the judgment or does not have enough money to pay it. 

If one or more of these items cannot be proven by your attorney, you might lose your personal injury lawsuit. Contacting an experienced lawyer to help you with your personal injury case can help you achieve a more favorable outcome. 

Contact Us

If you’ve recently been involved in an accident and suffered an injury due to another person’s negligence, do not hesitate to file a claim. At Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver P.C., we will work tirelessly to provide you with the best representation so you can be appropriately compensated. For more information about personal injury lawsuits, or to schedule a consultation, contact us today!

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