How Does A Wrongful Death Lawsuit Work?

Death is a natural part of life. Accepting that we will lose loved ones at some point in our lives helps to make the grieving process a bit easier. However, when death is caused by someone’s negligence, such as what takes place during medical malpractice, it can be hard to deal with. While our team at Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver P.C. cannot bring your loved ones back, we can seek justice for their untimely demise. Our medical malpractice lawyer on Long Island will walk you through what takes place during a wrongful death lawsuit and if your situation calls for filing one.

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When Can You File For One?    

Filing a wrongful death lawsuit should not be taken lightly. These claims are serious to make and require the help of a top medical malpractice lawyer on Long Island to reach a favorable outcome. Examples of when a person can file for a wrongful death lawsuit include:

  • If a person was intentionally killed.
  • When medical malpractice leads to the death of a patient.
  • Death resulting from car accidents.

Winning The Case

Just like with any other case, the plaintiff is required with providing the burden of proof that shows a wrongful death has taken place. When a wrongful death includes negligence, our medical malpractice lawyer on Long Island will gather evidence to present to the court which proves that the defendant did not provide the standard of care to the patient that was required. Proving this breach of duty is imperative to winning your case.  

Seeking Damages  

When your family has been affected by a wrongful death, you may be entitled to damages. Although it won’t bring your loved one back, seeking damages can help keep you and your family financially secure during this difficult time. These damages our team can help you recoup include:

  • Funeral and burial costs.
  • The expected income of the deceased. 
  • Value of the services the deceased would have provided.
  • Medical treatment costs that were incurred by the deceased as a result of the injury before death.  
  • Loss of inheritance.

Contact Us

Wrongful deaths can quickly disrupt all aspects of your life. At Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver P.C., we’ve seen this situation happen before, and feel for all the victims affected by it. That is why our medical practice lawyer on Long Island is committed to providing the highest quality of representation for our clients. If you’re looking to file a wrongful death lawsuit, contact our team for a consultation today.