It is no secret that professional construction workers find themselves in dangerous situations. Operating heavy machinery, working with high-powered tools, and some do that all at daring heights. Professionals try to be as safe as they can, but accidents unfortunately happen and lead to injury. These can range from moderate to severe and may affect mobility and range of motion with your musculoskeletal system, impacting your ability to work, walk, or complete daily tasks. Some of these injuries even affect a victim’s ability to rest and recover because they cannot afford proper care.
If you need to defend yourself and your worker’s compensation rights, make sure to call our construction accident lawyer in New York. At Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver, we fight for you every step of the way and make sure that no matter how severe the injury is and the events leading up to the case, we’ll make sure you are represented to the best of our ability.
Our experience as construction accident lawyers in New York means we understand the ins and outs of representing a manual labor worker in the state of New York. Construction injuries can be detrimental to overall well-being as they take time away from doing what you love and what you need to sustain yourself and your quality of life in your career.
Our construction accident lawyer in New York makes legal representation easy and efficient, using our time to your advantage and the best of our ability, ensuring you’re represented in every aspect of your defense. We don’t want to see people hurt and know that the best way to help people is to prevent themselves from being in risky situations.
That being said, our construction accident lawyer in New York has put together some of the most common ways that construction accidents happen. These injuries can be very serious, especially for those who are struggling to pay their medical bills. We understand how stressful it can be to struggle to pay expensive bills, specifically those whose injury was caused by someone else’s wrongdoing. If you were injured on a construction site due to someone else’s negligence, get in touch with Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver PC. We have the experience you need for a favorable outcome in your case.
Construction accident injuries can often happen, especially if the job site is not following any OSHA regulations. Some various laws and regulations go into construction job sites and how accidents should be handled by a contractor. What will determine your case is your ability to prove the defendant’s negligence. Depending on the final decision on how at-fault the defendant is will determine the amount of compensation you receive.
Some of the most common construction injuries are:
It is important to note that our construction accident lawyer in New York is prepared to defend you when it comes to injuries due to someone’s negligence. We encourage you to be as open as possible when discussing the context of your case and the misjudgment of the employer as well as yourself. Making a case that fits both sides of your defense is key to having a well-rounded case that gains you the compensation you need to recover from your construction-related injury.
Being aware of how injuries occur can be a good way for both employers and employees to avoid them from happening. Some ways that construction site accidents can occur are:
That being said, there are some serious penalties involved in construction-related accidents. Those who are fortunate enough to still be with us and defending their worker’s compensation case may be at higher risk for larger-scale ailments like deafness, blindness, and amputations. Therefore, our construction accident lawyer in New York will defend your case so you and your loved ones are compensated for the unfortunate accident.
Understanding these types of accidents is imperative in pushing for your claim and getting the compensation you deserve on behalf of your employer for the damages they cause you and disruption of your future. For more information, we implore you to visit our website and contact us today!
Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver P.C have taken several cases to favorable outcomes, so you can trust our years of experience. We will fight diligently for your case and make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. Medical bills can be expensive and even more of a pain when the injury occurred due to someone else’s negligence. When you need legal representation that you can rely on, contact us.