What Professionals Are Liable For Medical Malpractice?

Each year, there are approximately 15,000-19,000 medical malpractice suits against doctors in the U.S. Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare facility or healthcare professional causes injury to a patient as a result of their negligence. At Tannenbaum, Bellantone, &Silver, P.C, our medical malpractice lawyer Mineola NY will help you navigate your case and work with you so that you can receive compensation for the suffering that you endured.

Types of Medical Malpractice

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 There are numerous situations you may be faced with that would be considered medical malpractice. Some of these include:

  • Not being given informed consent
  • Being misdiagnosed
  • Being given the wrong medication or dosage
  • Having objects left in your body after a surgery
  • Being discharged prematurely
  • Acquiring fatal infections at a hospital
  • Poor follow-ups or aftercare from your provider

Who is Liable?

The individuals or entities that deviate from the standard quality of care or fail to take the appropriate action, subsequently causing injury or death to a patient, are all at risk for a medical malpractice suit. Some of these individuals include:

  • Hospitals:  A hospital may be sued for medical malpractice if you obtained an injury at the hands of an employee that was not properly trained to do their job. They may also be held liable if you obtained an injury as a result of a staff shortage.
  • Doctors: Those who practice in high-risk specialties, such as surgery, emergency medicine, and obstetrics, and gynecology, are at a greater risk for malpractice suits than those in low-risk specialties.
  • Midwives: If you experienced a birth-related injury due to your midwife’s negligence at any time before, during, or after your pregnancy, they might be liable for a medical malpractice suit.
  • Dentists: If your dentist delays the treatment of your oral disease or causes an infection or other complications as a result of their dental work, then they may be at risk for a medical malpractice suit.
  • Physician Assistants
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Nurses

How Our Medical Malpractice lawyer Mineola NY Can Help

At Tannenbaum, Bellantone, &Silver, P.C, we understand how damaging medical malpractice can be for you and your family. This type of negligence could result in long-term disability, psychological and physical pain, loss of income, and high medical bills. If you believe that you or someone you know are a victim of medical malpractice, then contact our medical malpractice lawyer Mineola NY today! Let us review your case and help you get the financial support you need.