What Does A Medical Malpractice Lawyer Do?

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When we see a doctor or go to a hospital for help, we put our faith in them to understand what we are going through and help us in the best ways. However, unfortunately, there are times where medical professionals do not work at the level that is expected of them. When this occurs through the medical professionals’ negligence, it can be considered a case of medical malpractice. If you think you have suffered at the hands of medical malpractice, reach out to us at Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver P.C. for expert medical malpractice lawyers in Mineola, NY that can help you!

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is a term that refers to when a healthcare professional causes an injury to their patients through negligent care or omissions. This definition is pretty broad, and it can be confusing when medical malpractice actually applies to a case. To be considered a medical malpractice case, some conditions need to be met, such as:

  • A violation of what is considered standard practice – standard practice refers to what is considered as an acceptable medical treatment by health care professionals in similar situations. A healthcare professional is expected to deliver care that is consistent with what is considered standard practice.
  • The violation caused an injury – even if your doctor violates standard practice, it isn’t a case of malpractice unless an injury or complication occurs. There needs to be a clear negative effect occurring from the violation to be medical malpractice. 
  • The injury caused was significant- pursuing a case of medical malpractice can be time-consuming and expensive. To make your case of medical malpractice reasonable to pursue, you have to prove that the injuries you received are significant.

During a case of medical malpractice, you will need to prove the violation of standard care and the resulting injuries. For this, it is useful to have medical professionals who can give their experience and testimonies. To get help from medical professionals and medical malpractice lawyers in Mineola, NY, reach out to us at Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver, P.C., and see what we can do for you!

Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Medical malpractice attorneys represent and work on behalf of patients or surviving members of the patient. They work with patients to sue medical practitioners, whether a doctor or a hospital or a medical facility. Because a case of medical malpractice can stem from a large plethora of cases and medical fields, your medical malpractice lawyer will need a wide range of knowledge and experience in all kinds of medical malpractice fields to help you. Medical malpractice cases arise from surgery complications, medical misdiagnosis, unreasonable decisions, and delays in treatments, birthing traumas, and many other situations. 

Medical malpractice lawyers work day today in a way similar way most civil litigators do. Civil litigators work in cases where there are usually no criminal charges, and in that sense, a medical malpractice lawyer is a specified civil litigator. Some of their day to day work would include :

  • Interviewing clients, conducting investigations, and drafting motions
  • Work with medical experts to develop theories, create reports, and make testimonies
  • Gather and analyze medical data and records
  • Setting up and retrieving independent medical examinations to get second opinions on the patient’s conditions and situations before and after the case.
  • Work with legal nurse consultants to analyze case merits, review medical records, and work through doctor’s notes.

Additionally, because medical malpractice cases can be very in-depth and specific to one facet of medical health care, medical malpractice lawyers can also be specified and manage medical malpractice cases in specific fields of health care. Here at Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver P.C., we have medical malpractice lawyers in Mineola, NY, experienced in many different medical fields that can help you through your medical malpractice case.

If you are filing a case for medical malpractice, you would want an experienced lawyer that can help you. Some areas of Expertise you would want from your medical malpractice lawyer include:

  • Legal Expertise- a medical malpractice case can have many unique legal issues and can take years to fully resolve. A good lawyer can plan a case trial through all this time and understand the many issues that can occur during your case.
  • Medical Expertise- your lawyer should understand the medical profession well enough to look at a client’s case and distinguish what rules were broken and what case could be made for medical malpractice.
  • Experience- you should seek out a lawyer who has worked through a medical malpractice case before and understands how difficult a medical malpractice case could be and what is needed to work through one.

If you are looking for someone to help you that fits all these requirements, reach out to us at Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver, P.C., for medical malpractice lawyers in Mineola, NY!