Personal injury lawsuits are cases when one person is harmed from an accident, and the other person is held legally responsible for that harm. Personal injury cases can be filled if one has experienced emotional, mental, and physical harm. If you think you have experienced emotional, mental, and bodily harm, see our Long Island personal injury lawyer at Tannenbaum, Bellantone & Silver P.C.
While every personal injury case is different, there are specific standards every case must meet. This includes the defendant has done something to harm or injure the plaintiff, the plaintiff has determined the defendant has breached some legal duty, and settlement talks occur. There are various reasons why injuries happen, but this can qualify as a personal injury case if someone else is at fault. If you believe you were injured at the fault of someone else, visit our long island personal injury lawyer.
Once you’ve suffered a personal injury, you may not know the next steps to take. Here is everything you need to know about filing a personal injury lawsuit. The first stage in filing a personal injury lawsuit is to meet with an attorney. If you are looking for an attorney, come see our Long Island personal injury lawyer at Tannenbaum, Bellantone & Silver P.C. The first time you meet with a lawyer, you will explain to them the situation. Lawyers will often ask questions to get as much information as they can about the situation to offer the best solution for your case. To prepare for the meeting with your lawyer, here are some questions your lawyer may ask you.
Once you have spoken to the lawyer, depending on the case and the case’s subject, the lawyer could decide not to take the case and refer you to another lawyer who is better suited for your case. If that seems like there isn’t enough evidence, your lawyer may advise you that you may not have a case. If this occurs, it is not uncommon to seek out a second opinion. In cases like these, it is best to find an attorney that has experience in cases similar to yours. To learn more about Long Island personal injury lawyers, visit our website.
Once you have met with the lawyers, the next step is to file the legal papers known as the pleadings. When starting a lawsuit, the first document filed in the complaint will outline the plaintiff’s case against the defendant. This will ensure that all the plaintiff’s factual claims are written down. The other court document that will be needed is the summons. The summons is an order from the court where the case will be heard. If the defendant fails to respond, it will cause them to default. When filing a lawsuit, your attorney needs to explain every step of the process. If you would like to learn more about the stages of a personal injury case, click here.
The next stage is the discovery process. During the discovery process, the federal court requires you to disclose all of the lawsuit’s facts and documents. Discovery can be in three forms, such as written discovery, document production, and deposition. Next are the motions. Motions is a request a lawyer files with the court to ask for a ruling in a particular manner. Motions can sometimes terminate the litigation and end the dispute before the trial even starts. Motions can significantly determine the course of the case. To see if a motion can be filed for your case, talk to our Long Island, personal injury lawyer.
Often, personal injury cases won’t even reach the court. The majority of the time, these cases will be resolved through a negotiated settlement with both parties. During a settlement, the plaintiff will agree to give up rights to pursue further legal action in exchange for payment. If you are thinking about a settlement, be sure to visit Tannenbaum, Bellantone & Silver P.C.
If your particular case goes to trial, both sides will be able to plead their case. Once both sides state their case, the judge or jury will decide whether they find the defendant liable for the plaintiff’s injuries. If your case is going to trial, you will need to make sure you have a lawyer that you can trust. If you or a loved one have been injured through an accident, check out our Long Island personal injury lawyers at Tannenbaum, Bellantone & Silver P.C to help you during your case.