Car Accident Lawyer Manhasset NY

Tannenbaum, Bellantone & Silver P.C. is a law firm that limits its practice to the representation of injured and sick clients in personal injury, medical malpractice, nursing home, construction accident, military malpractice, automobile accidents, and premise liability litigation. Our firm is trial counsel to many well known and respected firms throughout the metropolitan area. We have a long and successful track record in our areas of practice.


We work with recognized doctors, certified industrial hygienists, pharmacologists, physical therapists, economists, vocational specialists, life care planners, accident reconstructionists, and other experts to maximize the value of your case.


To better serve the needs of our clients and to assure proper attention to every case, we limit our practice to the representation of seriously injured people. If you are unable to meet with us at our offices, we will be pleased to meet with you at a convenient location. Please feel free to contact us to obtain an evaluation of your case. One of our attorneys will promptly respond to your inquiry.








Car Accident Lawyer in Manhasset NY - Car Accident Lawyer Manhasset NY -




If you are driving an automobile, it is your responsibility to be careful and diligent while driving. However, even if you are being careful and safe, the actions of other drivers may still affect you. No matter how careful you are, if another driver is acting irresponsibly or recklessly, you may become involved in an automobile accident. In these situations, we believe you have the right to compensation for any losses you suffer from. We at Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver, P.C. have been representing drivers and families of Long Island for years. We have helped many families through different types of automobile accidents and fought hard to get them the compensation they were due. If you need a qualified car accident lawyer in Manhasset NY contact us today!

There are various situations that can lead to automobile accidents that are out of your control. Some of these can include:


    • Distracted drivers
    • Drunk drivers
    • Faulty brakes, tires, or other equipment
    • Falling asleep at the wheel
    • Road rage
    • Negligence


In any of these situations and many others, we believe that if you come to suffer you deserve some form of compensation. That is why we have represented many families who have been involved in automobile accidents and fought our hardest to help them get through their time of need. If you or a loved one has been involved in an automobile accident, do not hesitate to call us at Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver, P.C. and see what we can do to help you.





Why should I get a car accident attorney?


Every day, 678 car accidents happen in New York. If you happen to be one of those accidents, it might be time to contact a car accident attorney Manhasset NY. Being involved in a car accident can be a very traumatic experience. Many things are running through your head like, how am I going to pay upcoming bills. At Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver. P.C., we will help you fight your case so that you can rest assured that you will not be thrown to the curb due to unpaid bills.


Reason to Get a Lawyer After a Car Accident


Acquiring an attorney following a car accident is a smart move. A lawyer who has experience with car accidents can help you recover any losses that you might be facing. Lawyers understand the law much better than we do so if the case ends up going to court, they will have a much better chance of winning the case than we would if we tried to fight the case on our own. After a car accident, many things can happen that cause a lot of stress to develop. Unpaid medical bills, no car for transportation, loss of income due to not being able to work, and many more. A lawyer can help get you the money that you deserve so that you do not have to worry about not being able to provide for your family. Some other things to know when it is time to hire a lawyer is when someone else is blaming you for the accident you want to be prepared. No one wants to take responsibility for the accident so even when it is the other person’s fault, they might try and blame you for it. That is when you know this it is time to hire a lawyer.


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What to Look for When Hiring a Lawyer

Auto accident lawyers can have a wide range of various problems including, property destruction, personal injury, liability determinations, and wrongful death. When looking for a lawyer you want to look for a couple of things like:


    • Experience
    • Skill level
    • Commitment
    • Location
    • Successful track record


By looking for these attributes in a lawyer, it can help you make a better decision on which one will fight for you and make sure that they do not give up. If you are going to spend the money on a lawyer you want to make sure that you do the proper research. 


What Are Some Good Questions to Ask?

If you are driving an automobile, it is your responsibility to be careful and diligent while driving. However, even if you are being careful and safe, the actions of other drivers may still affect you. No matter how careful you are, if another driver is acting irresponsibly or recklessly, you may become involved in an automobile accident. In these situations, we believe you have the right to compensation for any losses you suffer from. We at Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver, P.C. have been representing drivers and families of Long Island for years. We have helped many families through different types of automobile accidents and fought hard to get them the compensation they were due. If you need a qualified car accident lawyer in Manhasset NY contact us today!


There are various situations that can lead to automobile accidents that are out of your control. Some of these can include:



    • Distracted drivers
    • Drunk drivers
    • Faulty brakes, tires, or other equipment
    • Falling asleep at the wheel
    • Road rage
    • Negligence



In any of these situations and many others, we believe that if you come to suffer you deserve some form of compensation. That is why we have represented many families who have been involved in automobile accidents and fought our hardest to help them get through their time of need. If you or a loved one has been involved in an automobile accident, do not hesitate to call us at Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver, P.C. and see what we can do to help you.





Should I get a lawyer for a car accident that was my fault?


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Car accidents can create a hassle for all parties involved. From getting into an accident, exchanging information, calling the police to get a report, contacting insurances, the whole experience can be draining and create a headache! In addition to all these, in some accident cases, you may need to contact a lawyer. But in cases where the accident was your fault, should you contact a lawyer? In this article, we will discuss just that! If you are in need of a auto accident lawyer Manhasset NY, contact us at Tannenbaum, Bellatone & Silver, P.C., and see how we can help you!


What to do after an accident?

When someone else causes a car accident, you are in you to have the right to compensation for any injuries and damages caused by the accident. However, if the situation is the other way around, and you may have caused an accident, the same can be true, which can be quite concerning. Even if you may have been the cause of your accident, you can still get help from car accident lawyers to recover from your losses from the accident. If you are looking for a car accident lawyer in Manhasset NY, reach out to us at Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver, P.C., and see how we can help.


After an accident, you should never leave the scene of the crash. Always stop after the crash and remain at the scene, or you can face harsh punishments. Stopping, and making sure everyone is okay, should be the priority. Afterward, you may talk to the other driver, exchange some basic information, and wait for the police to arrive to take a report. During this time, it is a good idea to not mention who you think is at fault or say anything incriminating. The police report and any investigation will show the details of the accident. 


Even if you are at fault, partially or entirely, a law firm can do a professional investigation and discover many different options for you to recover financially from an accident. It is always a good idea to contact a car accident lawyer to make sure you have access to anyways of financial recovery. For example, in New York, there are pure comparative fault laws, meaning as long as the accident was not 100% your fault in every way, you have the opportunity to file a claim and get some recovery. Additionally, New York is a no-fault state, meaning that each driver has their own insurance to turn to as well. 



Car Accident Lawyer in Manhasset

No-Fault coverage provides benefits for medical bills, damage, and even lost wages no matter who was liable for the accident. In any case, having a car accident lawyer on your side can help you recover losses after an accident. Reach out to us on our website to talk to a personal injury lawyer Manhasset NY, and see your options today!





What Happens When Both Drivers are at Fault?


Every day there are hundreds of car accidents, and there is usually one person who is at fault but happens when both drivers are at fault? Accidents are a scary thing to happen to anyone. If you are looking for a Manhasset car crash lawyer then look no further than Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver. We are dedicated to helping our clients get the best representation out there. 



What To Do When You Are In An Accident?

Right after a car accident can be a very nerve-racking thing, especially since you might be in shock. Hopefully, there will be other people nearby to help out in the situation. There are a couple of things to do when you are a car accident lawyer in Manhasset NY. The first thing you want to do is:


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    1. Stay on the Scene– If you were to get in an accident and think that it is that bad and drive away, you are actually committing a crime, and it could land you in jail.
    2. Call the police– Doing this will expedite the process of trying to get information from each driver. They also call assesses to see if you need medical attention.
    3. Take Pictures– Taking pictures will help you in your case when it comes to showing who was at fault for the accident if neither driver is claiming responsibility.
    4. Remain calm– It is easy to get upset due to the circumstances, but the best thing to do is to stay calm and not lose your temper. Losing your temper will only make things worse.
    5. Get witness contact information– when it comes to car accidents, it can often be a matter of word versus other drivers’ word, so having witnesses can be a significant factor.



How to Know Who is at Fault

When it comes to car accident lawyers in Manhasset NY it is hard to understand who is at fault for the accident. In certain cases, the state has the right to turn to one of the following rules to see who would most be at fault for the accident. 


    • Pure Comparative Fault- This states that you may seek damages, but the amount that you ravine will be decided to how much you were at fault.
    • Proportional Comparative Fault- This states that the person who is the most at fault will not be allowed to collect any of the damages. The person who is least-guilty will be allowed to collect compensation to the amount that they were at fault. If they are both at fault 50/50, then neither of them will be allowed to receive any compensation.
    • Pure Contributory Fault- This states that you are not allowed any compensation from the accident even if you are only 1% at fault and the other driver is at 99%.




Gathering Evidence 

One of the most important things to do is gather as much evidence from the case as possible. Confirmation will be your hard proof of whether or not you were at fault. There are times when both drives were doing something illegal, which makes it much harder for the attorneys to come up with a case on who was wrong. Take as many pictures from the accident as possible. Take photos of both cars, debris, and anything else that might help you in your case. This will help the insurance company and the lawyers have a better idea of who was at fault. 



Should you Contact a Lawyer After an Accident

There are certain cases where you should contact a lawyer and other instances in which you might be able to leave it up to the insurance companies. If you are injured in a car accident, insurance companies have a team of lawyers and adjusters on hand. The best thing for you to do is to also get your own lawyer to make sure that all of the facts are presented. Going up against lawyers that work for these billion-dollar insurance companies is a losing battle if you are doing it alone. If you do not have any experience with what rights you have, then they can easily take advantage of you and leave you with nothing. Having a lawyer to help fight your case is the smartest move that you can do. They understand the law and know what to say in certain situations so that you get what you deserve. 



Contact Us

At Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver a car accident lawyer in Manhasset NY we understand that there is never a convenient time to have a car accident no matter whose fault it is. We want to be in your corner when it is time to figure out who was wrong and who was right. Our team of lawyers are standing by and are more than willing to assist you in any way possible. Give us a call today by visiting our website and seeing what we have to offer. We look forward to hearing from you. 




What Can I Expect From A Personal Injury Lawsuit?


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When an accident or injury happens to you or a loved one, it can be a very complicated and confusing time. You should know what to expect if you are going through a personal injury lawsuit. If you have been hurt on the job, been injured in an accident, or from another type of negligence, you can count on the car wreck attorney Manhasset NY at Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver, P.C. to provide you with excellent legal services. 


A personal injury lawsuit is a dispute that can occur when a person is injured or in an accident, and someone else may be held responsible for that harm. Some kinds of personal injury cases include: 


    • Car accident cases
    • Medical malpractice
    • Slip and fall cases
    • Dog bites



Many personal injury cases settle without a lawsuit being filed in court. However, if this is not the case you should be aware of the process of a personal injury lawsuit. The first step you should take after being in an accident or getting injured is getting the appropriate medical treatment. Avoiding the doctor and not receiving proper care can impact your case, and possibly cause a jury to assume that you were not seriously harmed by your accident. If you have suffered a significant injury and would like to file a lawsuit, you should consult a car accident lawyer in Manhasset NY. 


The best car accident lawyer in Manhasset NY can help you determine the specifics of your case. This can include the severity of your injuries, medical costs, legal options, and whether you are able to seek compensation from another party. Before filing, your lawyer will interview you. The lawyer will need to know everything about the accident, your treatment, and the extent of your injuries, and their impact on your life. Your attorney will research your case and keep you aware of any developments throughout the process. During this difficult time, your main priority should be getting the appropriate medical care. Personal injury cases can often settle before a lawsuit is filed. A lawsuit should not be filed until you have recovered as much as possible, and your medical treatment has ended. This helps ensure that your lawyer knows how much the case is worth.


The next step is the litigation phase. This begins after you have filed a personal injury lawsuit in court. This starts the countdown on when the case will go to trial. Generally, a personal injury case will take 1-2 years to get to trial. The lawsuit must be filed within the state’s statute of limitations. 


Next is the discovery phase. This is where each party investigates the case by obtaining evidence from the opposing party, and investigates the opposing side’s claims and defenses. During this process, each side will take depositions, and request documents from each other. This process can go on for 6-12 months, depending on the court’s deadlines. After the discovery phase ends, the lawyers from each side will begin discussing settlement. In some cases, the lawyers can settle among themselves, but sometimes they can go through mediation. Mediation is where a neutral third party mediator gets involved to help them resolve the dispute. Oftentimes, mediation is the final step in a personal injury claim. But, if it doesn’t, the case will be scheduled for trial. Our top-rated auto accident attorney Manhasset NY will help guide you every step of the way so you can be appropriately represented and informed throughout your case. 




Car Accident Lawyer in Manhasset NY

After your accident, the last thing you want is to be confused and overwhelmed with your personal injury lawsuit. Get the compensation you deserve! At Tannenbaum, Bellantone, & Silver, P.C., we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional legal services so you can get your life back on track.

Before hiring a lawyer there are some important questions that you need to ask them so that you know if they are the right person for your case. Some lawyers will take a case just so they can collect a paycheck. The right lawyer will do everything in their power to make sure that you are happy with the final results in your case. Asking questions before hiring a lawyer can help you determine what kind of lawyer they are. You want to make sure that you can get as much detailed information about who they are as a lawyer and what they think about your case. Some good questions to ask are:


    • What percentage of your practice is devoted to car accidents?
    • What experience do you have with the specific type of injury?
    • What is a typical settlement range for cases similar to mine?
    • How much of my car accident case will you handle?
    • What out-of-pocket expenses am I responsible for?




What to Provide to the Lawyer after the accident

If you were involved in a car accident there are a couple of things to do so that if you have to hire a lawyer, you have all the necessary information available. The most important thing to do first is to make sure that everyone involved in the accident is safe and the proper medical attention is provided. After that, you want to get as much information as possible. Take pictures of the accident, gather witness statements, license plate numbers, insurance information, police report, and anything that will help you in your case. The reason for doing all of this is because if the other party tries to claim that something did or did not happen, you will have hard evidence to show for it. 



Contact Our Car Accident Lawyer in Manhasset NY

If you are someone you know was involved in a car accident and is looking for a car accident attorney Manhasset NY, then we are the place that will fight for you. At Tannenbaum, Bellatone, & Silver, P.C., we are 100% committed to making sure that if we take your case, we do everything in our power to fight for you. Going through a car accident is hard enough, let us handle the legal part of the case. To set up a legal consultation, please visit our website. We look forward to hearing from you.